
Transform your campaign tactics with streamlined door-to-door canvassing, phonebanking, voter engagement, and naturalistic data capture.


OpenField - Our verdict

Promising. US focused - transform tactics with streamlined door-to-door canvassing, phonebanking, voter engagement, and naturalistic data capture.

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What are the use cases for campaigners?

Naturalistic Data Capture and Analysis

  • Generate custom scripts tailored for phone banking or canvassing, ensuring personalised and meaningful dialogue.
  • Record and monitor a variety of data, through open-ended notes, email and text opt-ins, support scores, and dropdown lists, enhancing the depth of information gathered.

Phonebanking Flexibility

  • Easily track phone conversations integrated with in-person interactions, maintaining a unified profile for each contact.

Intelligent Door-to-Door Canvassing

  • Cover an entire city or state with AI-powered turf cutting based on Census blocks, making it simple for your canvassers to navigate.
  • Make use of OpenField's national address file to begin knocking without a predefined list.

How do I use it?

Here are some resources and further info for your perusal:

OpenField on Medium


Who’s behind it?

Based in the US, OpenField was launched in 2020.

What does it cost?

For further information on pricing, request a demo.